CCN’s Administrative Fee Policy
In an effort to keep administrative costs to donors as low as possible, CCN charges very low administrative fees for handling donated funds. Administrative fees are used to pay for CCN’s website, web-based accounting service, payroll services, online giving fees, and other minor overhead costs. The only personnel cost paid for out of administrative fees is a small monthly stipend paid to the CCN Executive Servant. The Executive Servant of CCN raises the majority of his own financial support.
CCN’s administrative fee policy is as follows:
All donations are subject to a 5% admin fee on the gross amount given.
(CCN’s online giving fees charged to CCN by CCN’s third-party electronic payment service provider, which are paid by CCN and not charged to CCN ministers, range from 2-4% of the gross amount given.)
Please do not hesitate to contact Wim Codington (see contact info below) if you have any questions about this policy.