CCN Disciple-Making Collective

Vision: To multiply transformational communities of Jesus followers in Middle Tennessee and beyond

Mission: To catalyze missional leaders to follow the Jesus pattern of disciple-making

Collective Covenant: We offer a community of acceptance, understanding, growth, training, and ongoing coaching and support for leaders called to the mission of Jesus

Who: Kevin Beasley (City Catalyst South), David Kaufmann (City Catalyst Central), and Wim Codington (City Servant)

Why: We have observed that God has brought many missional, evangelistic, and entrepreneurial leaders to Middle Tennessee. We have also observed that many of these leaders are not easily understood by established churches and lack the connections, abilities, or interest required to develop a broad and local network of support. We have observed that our spiritual enemy, Satan, encourages this isolation because it can quickly result in stagnation of ministry. It is our ambition to bring together these leaders, offering them our collective covenant (above), in order to attempt to steward the human resources and gifts which God has brought to our region. We want to assist God’s leaders to do the work of apostolic ministry to which He has called them in order to see the communities of Middle Tennessee transformed by the power of the Good News of Jesus Christ.

What: Monthly gatherings for leaders including prayer, teaching, coaching, and testimonies; quarterly gatherings for disciples including celebration, worship, food, and fellowship.

When: The first Wednesdays and Saturdays of each month (quarterly gatherings will be publicized soon)

Where: Crossroads Center (recreation building) at Crievewood Baptist Church (480 Hogan Road, Nashville, TN 37220)



  • Advancing the Kingdom of God

  • Mutual submitted leadership 

  • Stewardship of God’s gifts 

  • Unity in the Body of Christ 

  • Empowering missional leadership 

  • Multiplying disciples 

  • Strengthening the local church  

  • Godly character 

  • Transforming work of the Holy Spirit 

  • Doing life together in community (incarnational living)


  • City Catalyst: A leader with an apostolic or missional calling who seeks to encourage and develop other leaders called to the mission of Jesus by offering them acceptance, understanding, growth, training, and ongoing coaching and support

  • City Servant: A leader with a heart to serve other leaders through encouragement, prayer, and other practical assistance in order to enable them to more effectively pursue God’s calling on their lives