Wim Codington enjoys writing simple books about topics which he believes are relevant for 21st century followers of Jesus in different walks of life. Wim’s goal in writing is to help followers of Jesus to be strengthened in their faith and practice of obeying Jesus Christ by helping them to connect with the messages in the Bible. Below is a list of the books Wim has written which are available for purchase on amazon.com:

A vision for promoting unity in the body of Christ and overcoming the challenges and barriers to unity

A discussion of personal identity of followers of Jesus, including the foundation of personal identity, universal identities to be embraced by followers of Jesus, and how to discern one’s personal identity and calling

A book of principles for raising children to be healthy and to follow God in the 21st century

A vision for how to develop the character of leaders in the Kingdom of God using an apprenticeship model

A vision for helping Western and North American followers of Jesus to expect and prepare for suffering and persecution as followers of Jesus

A vision for pursuing victory over sin in the daily life experience of followers of Jesus.