Our Beliefs
Statement of Faith
City Church Network identifies with the beliefs of the broad evangelical movement of the 20th century which has its roots in the Protestant Reformation. We do not identify solely with any single denomination but affirm and bless all churches, organizations, and individuals who seek to faithfully and truthfully proclaim the Good News about Jesus found in the Bible. We affirm the Lausanne Covenant as our official statement of faith. The Lausanne Covenant can be found here: https://www.lausanne.org/content/covenant/lausanne-covenant
Marriage, Sexuality, Gender, and Divorce
At City Church Network, we affirm a classic Christian theological position on gender, sexuality, marriage, and divorce based on the teachings in the Old and New Testaments of the Bible.
In dealing with specific situations involving moral questions about these matters, our priorities and default aims are forgiveness, restoration, reconciliation, and healing among all parties involved.
We affirm the Biblical teaching that there are situations in which divorce may be appropriate.
In all situations, we aim to assist the offended party(ies) to make Godly choices with freedom.
We desire to love all people in all situations, and we believe that the place where the greatest love in the universe is found is in accepting and submitting to the authoritative Word of God in the Bible and in Jesus Christ, who is God.
For a fuller understanding of our beliefs, refer to this position paper which has been affirmed by the board of City Church Network: CCN marriage, sexuality, gender, and divorce position paper