

Experience the unique and beautiful cultures this world has to offer.  Enjoy the stories of refugees and other immigrants who are and have fought through impossible odds to make it in this world.  Over the past seven years, we have walked alongside churches, connecting them to people groups from far-away lands and helping them learn about the lives of these inspiring men and women.  Contact us and tell us how we can help you or your church connect with the nations in the US.    

Level 1 Logistics:   The one day immersion tour is $75 per person.  This includes a meal at your cost at a local ethnic restaurant, tour of a mosque, temples both Hindu and Buddhist, a local international market and an hour-long cross-cultural evangelism training.  T-shirts are available for Tour participants for $10 up to XL and $12 for XXL and up.  Extra t-shirts can be purchased at cost for $20 up to XL and $25 for XXL and up


This tour is over the course of 1-4 days and includes a more in-depth reach into the community.  The purpose is to accompany a local worker in casting a wide gospel net going door-to-door in search of a person of peace as we believe according to Luke 10.  This would be in a defined area where we have a known presence.  The goal is to share the gospel with many in search of those whom God has prepared to repent and believe the good news.  We firmly believe in what we refer to the M.A.W.L. method.  Model, Assist, Watch and Launch.  This allows those who come to our city to be in the field and observe first how we are engaging our local refugees and internationals and then take those skills back to their own community.  We are very protective of our communities in the field and our desire is always to ensure that the families that we work with are never treated like a statistic or someone to be observed and left.  This is why our local missionaries who have the relationships are present and providing insight to the short- term teams.  

The cost for this level depends on if a church is a partner or not.  

-       The partner price is $175 per person.  

-       The non-partner price is $225 per person.  

We also have a list of potential churches who have relationships with our network and who might be able to host a group or individual overnight.  Although our goal is to secure a church for overnight stays, this is not guaranteed.  


The House of Peace tour must be completed prior to moving to the next level.  This ensures that a team has had adequate exposure to who we are trying to reach, why we are trying to reach them and to obtain a better understanding of our methods before advancing to the Cultivation Mission Tour.


This is a long-term tour.  A church, college or group is indicating that they desire to partner with CCN for a minimum of 1-2 years.  They will send a team on a monthly basis during the partnership.  This includes engaging incoming refugees and immigrants with ongoing friendships while assessing and reporting spiritual and physical needs.  Each of these teams will work directly with a local worker (missionary) here in Nashville.

  NOTE: We also do customized tours as well, based on the needs of the group.  If this is something that you are interested in, please contact our Director of Volunteer Mobilization.

Consider what God is doing with people from all over the world in Nashville, Tennessee.
— - Jody and Sheri - Christ Church Birmingham

Members of Christ Church share about their experience with refugees in Nashville.