Person of Peace Search (Level 2)
We're training Marysville Berean how to strategically think about how to enter the neighborhoods around their church and find a person of peace.
Whenever you enter a town & they receive you...
In Luke 10, Jesus gives some clear guidelines on how to engage new areas. He tells us to go into an area and to search for people who receive the message, the messenger and the mission that the messengers are on. Every week, we serve with laborers all across the US and the world who are prayer walking and finding God prepared people. Come join us on a prayer walking journey and experience ministry like the early church.
This tour is over the course of 1-4 days and includes a more in-depth reach into the community. The purpose is to accompany a local worker in casting a wide gospel net going door-to-door in search of a person of peace as we believe according to Luke 10. This would be in a defined area where we have a known presence. The goal is to share the gospel with many in search of those whom God has prepared to repent and believe the good news. We firmly believe in what we refer to the M.A.W.L. method. Model, Assist, Watch and Launch. This allows those who come to our city to be in the field and observe first how we are engaging our local refugees and internationals and then take those skills back to their own community. We are very protective of our communities in the field and our desire is always to ensure that the families that we work with are never treated like a statistic or someone to be observed and left. This is why our local missionaries who have the relationships are present and providing insight to the short- term teams.
Level Two Logistics: Accompany a local worker in sharing the Gospel and looking for a Person of Peace. The cost for this level depends on if a church is a partner or not.
- The partner price is $175 per person.
- The non-partner price is $225 per person.
This includes a t-shirt and a few meals at local international restaurants. We also have a list of potential churches who have relationships with our network and who might be able to host a group or individual overnight. Although our goal is to secure a church for overnight stays, this is not guaranteed.